Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Laura's evaluation

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media conventions?
Shot One

  • We decided to use a very low angle to create suspense and to create enigma for the audience to why she is standing right on the cliff. 

Shot two
  • Our group found it essential that the setting was set at the coast. This is because its an isolated area - the sunset gives a romantic, calm event which makes the females thoughts contrapuntal to what is going on in reality around her. 

Shot three

  • We used a lot of long shots with low angles to reinforce her isolation, and the height of the cliff.

Shot four
  • Our group found the titling important to our thriller opening. Our title is ironic as the female's suicide is the start to more cold blooded killings from her brother as the bullying. The black colour and the wilting gothic flower like font give it the sincere affect, giving the audience the clue that this film is linked with death.

Shot five
  • The photo was a main prop to our thriller. Without the photo, the storyline would be much more complex. 



Shot 6

  • This part is when the bully's voices echo through her head, we decided to let un restrict the narrative structure so the audience get a taste on what is going through her head all of the time, we didn't want to restrict the audience too much on what was happening at this time as we didn't want confusion but sympathy.


Shot seven

  • The use of the extreme close up shows her blankless facial expression to reinforce how she is feeling. 


Shot eight

  • For both the female and male's characters, we chose simple clothing - the typical teenage wear - to help show their vulnerability and to show their age is teenager. 

Shot nine

  • We found that back lighting gave this shot a silhoutte look -  we wanted this to create enigma as the audience would want to know who this character is and how is he related to the girl who commited suicide.

2) How does your media production represent particular social groups?

The main female character - the use of a female shows her vulnerability, reinforced by her age portrayed by her clothing - stereotypical teenager taste. 

The use of using the male character of a similar age digging her grave creates enigma - why would someone her age be covering up her death when he is just as vulnerable as she is?

We chose white british characters, we thought it wouldn’t matter what ethnicity they came from as bullies can come from all sorts of ethnic groups.

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
For our media, I would like to distribute our media thriller in a number of ways.
  • Reviews and film posters about our thriller in certain magazines such as Heat and Empire, these magazines are targeted at young adults, who are also our main audience, who purchase these sort of magazines. As we want this group to see our film, this would be a good oppertunity to distibute our thriller in these magazines as our target audience tend to purchase them, giving them a taster of what Summer Starts Here is all about.
  • The internet is another source i would choose to advertise our thriller. Social networks such as Facebook are very popular to use, especially to young adults as the whole purpose of Facebook was for some university friends to keep in contact. With our thriller being advertised on Social sites, this may catch some young adult's attention and interest them on finding out more or viewing our thriller.
  • Chat shows would be a very money efficient way of advertising our film - an interview with the producer, director or actor/actress would benifit both the film and chat show (with the ratings of the show going up for those interested in the film and costing nothing to let the interviewe be on the chat show). However, the problem would be for using this method to distribute our film is that this wouldn't attract our main audience wanted - Chat shows such as This Morning are generally on at weekday mornings, where the majority of young adults are at school/college etc. However the few evening chat shows such as Piers Morgan, mainly focus on the background and life of famous people, not generally about if they have been in any recent films etc.

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?
For our thriller, our main audience would be young adults, both male and female. This is because our storyline is based on the protagonist male police officer, who's sister commited suicides, hunting down the bullies who pressured her into her suicide.

It is also aimed at this group to give a moral that bullying is wrong, it doesn't achieve anything and can harm not just one person but their whole family and friends.

5) How did you attract/address your audience?

To see what the target audience thought were the positives and negatives, i private mailed them on Facebook and asked them the following questions:

  • Positive points: i asked this to find out what aspects we should keep using throughout our film. All feedback complimented our use of alternate camera shots - the one under the male character digging especially. We wanted that high angle, medium shot in because it was different and the back light silhouetted the male, creating enigma to who he was. 

  • Negative points: i needed to know this one so i know what to improve on through someone else's eyes. The majority of the people agreed the lighting was off (white balance wasn't very good). This was because as our group went to Peacehaven more than once to film, the lighting changed due to one day being cloudless, the next being cloudy. As the natural light had a huge difference from one shot to another, we decided to edit this with putting saturation on each of them, so the viewers wouldn't be confused and think it was over a period of time. However this did result in the bad quality of some shots

  • If you understood this film: i wanted to know if enigma was being created and the audience wanting to know why she commited suicide.

  • what age group is it directed at: to see if we used the right techniques to hit our target audience.

6) What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have uploaded a voice over of myself describing what i learned and what we had problems with technology in our group. Due my computer playing up, i cant just upload the voice over as it wasn't a movie, in which the only movie on my computer is my baby brother dancing. I apologise as putting that as the soundtrack is the only way to put the voice over on the blog as a still picture wouldn't work.

 Using the blog has been hard for me to use, i find trying to organise things such as photos and videos very difficult to fit in places, making the layout seem messy. 

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