Monday 28 February 2011

Half Term

This half term we planned to do the scene where our male character is running up a hill, we planned to do this scene because Laura, our female character and main character was away. however we didn't get to do this because there were a few problems.
  • lack of organisation
  • didn't book camera and lights out
  • the weather was bad it was too misty for the filming 
  • at the beacon there was a white out which made it unable to see 

This has set us back on a weeks worth of filming. we now realise that in future we should book the camera and lights out in advance.

Friday 11 February 2011

Prop Research - Naomi

We are using a picture as one of our main props because it signifies key context in our thriller even though it is not actually revealed why in the opening sequence. People take pictures to create memories they can connote happy times or sad times. People often look at photos when they want to reflect and that is the effect we are trying to achieve by using a photo as one of our main props. We use the picture to add emotion to the girl presented in our opening sequence. We also use this prop to represent before and after. 

Animatic Voiceover 2

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Lighting decissions James

Lighting decisions

We want our piece to be quite dramatic and the lighting should represent this. We will be using two hand held lights on tripods with gels. These lights operate off of batteries as we will be outside with no mains power. There are only two locations and both are very dark. The first is on top of a cliff with a young girl about to jump off the edge. She will be rim lit in a blue this shows sorrow but still keeps it dark. It also represents cold that she feels standing up there alone. The use of rim lighting keeps a lot of her hidden and fortifies the shadows on her face increasing the loneliness.

The scene then changes to a man digging a grave. He will be on a hill and back lit. this will show him as a silhouette. This is restricted narration and is an enigma. It makes the audience ask “who is that man?” We will use either blue or green gels with a diffuser on the lighting to make it appear natural and cold.

Health and Safety Report James

Health and Safety Report


Downs, one of our locations is considered a rough area and could potentially be dangerous.
We will go early evening while there is still people about, we will also all have mobile phones. Also to reduce risk of injury we will let someone know where we are and phone in at a given time.

Cliff, this area is obviously quite dangerous as a fall could seriously injure or kill one of us.
As with the downs we will only film during early evening so there is more people about and still enough light without ruining the effect we want our film to achieve. Yet again we will all have mobile phones and will let someone know where we are and phone in. We will give the edge of the cliff a wide berth this will dramatically reduce the risk.

Uneven ground, fall or trip
This will be everywhere and although it is not as dangerous as the other two places measures will be taken to reduce risk to us. We have decided to wear practical clothing and bring torches


Spade, we are using a spade in one of our scenes. This could potentially injure someone if hit
 It will be used for digging only. The person digging will be wearing steal toe-capped boots to reduce potential injury to their feet.

Photo, although this is not dangerous it could cause a paper cut.
Actress will take special care when tearing it up.

Friday 4 February 2011

List of Characters and Their Roles

Laura – Girl committing suicide
Brendan – Running up to stop her and digging.
People in photo – Laura, Adam, Naomi, Dom, Melissa
Lighting -James
Camera Work - Brendan, Naomi
Sound - Laura, Naomi, Brendan & James
Health and Safety - James
Editing - Laura, Naomi, Brendan & James

Prop Research - Naomi

We have chosen to use a spade as one of our props. This is because during our opening sequence we have some shots of a spade digging.

The use of the spade creates tension and emphasises our theme of enigma. We’re using the spade to suggest the burial of the body of the girl who dies in our opening sequence.

The script for our coursework - Laura

Instead of having a script, we are using a voice over which our group finds more effective to create an enigmatic mood, such as in the introduction to The Beach. However, we are using the voice over to indicate bully comments and memories inside the female characters head, which gives the clue to the audience that she has been bullied in the past. 

  • I don’t know why we were ever friends with a fat cow like you!
  • Why are you even still here? No one likes you, or ever will!
  • Your not part of our group, we never liked you in the first place!
  • It was all a bet on who could stay friends with you the longest – we won!
  • Everybody thinks you’re a complete bitch and waste of space – and you are!

Location, Location, Location! - Brendan

The Beacon on the downs:
We chose this specific place because we plan to show the burying of the girls body on a hill, it is also because we plan on using back lights to show a silhouette of one of our characters digging. we plan to shoot at night and use the LED lights to show the silhouette of the anonymous digger trying to hide the body. We felt that this would be an ideal location for our thriller, this is because it creates enigma and makes the audience ask questions about what is being done by the anonymous digger.

Some Closer Pictures :

The reason why we chose this location is because of the cliff, we felt that this would build the tension and would also make the audience ask questions about what is happening with the girl on top of it. We thought this location would be an ideal location for our thriller because of the isolation and mystery created from the ocean sea and the use of a clip.