Tuesday 8 February 2011

Health and Safety Report James

Health and Safety Report


Downs, one of our locations is considered a rough area and could potentially be dangerous.
We will go early evening while there is still people about, we will also all have mobile phones. Also to reduce risk of injury we will let someone know where we are and phone in at a given time.

Cliff, this area is obviously quite dangerous as a fall could seriously injure or kill one of us.
As with the downs we will only film during early evening so there is more people about and still enough light without ruining the effect we want our film to achieve. Yet again we will all have mobile phones and will let someone know where we are and phone in. We will give the edge of the cliff a wide berth this will dramatically reduce the risk.

Uneven ground, fall or trip
This will be everywhere and although it is not as dangerous as the other two places measures will be taken to reduce risk to us. We have decided to wear practical clothing and bring torches


Spade, we are using a spade in one of our scenes. This could potentially injure someone if hit
 It will be used for digging only. The person digging will be wearing steal toe-capped boots to reduce potential injury to their feet.

Photo, although this is not dangerous it could cause a paper cut.
Actress will take special care when tearing it up.

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