Tuesday 10 May 2011

Naomi Evaluation

1.     1.     In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Within the genre of ‘Thriller’, there are many conventions, which of course have to be used as much as possible to make the Thriller effect work properly. A crime is usually at the core of the story or a murder this mysterious crime or murder is usually what keeps the viewer hooked. In our thriller we have put a suicide at the core of our story, which is seen the opening shots which immediately makes the audience hooked as they want to know what has caused this. In terms of thriller conventions using camera work we used slow tracking shots to build suspense. Eg. 
 We began this shot with the close up of the girls face to show her emotion. We made sure there was hair blowing in her face to emphasize her venerable character. We then zoomed out to enhance the height of the cliff and danger she was in to build tension and reinforce her isolation. We also used this shot to enhance her emotion and scrutinize her to emphasize her weakness.

 In terms of props we used a photograph. This was our main prop as photos are realistic as everyone has experience cess of photos and can relate to them.  This photo shows our character in a group picture with friends having a laugh and a good time. When the audience see this picture they also hear a voice over we created saying nasty things to emphasise this is what she had and for some reason it has been lost it emphasises the fact that she is passive innocent victim.  We also used a shallow depth of field here to direct the audience attention so they see what there meant to see which is the character in this photograph. Shallow depth of field is a main convention of a thriller and is use in many thrillers such as the disappearance of Alice creed with depth of field of the sword to inflict danger on the audience. 
Our title name was very important to our group. We eventually decided upon summer starts here. I believe this is a great title as it is ironic because summer ends here for this girl but the revenge of her brother which is told in our story plot starts here. We chose very carefully our front and we liked this one as it kind of looked like it has over ground plants on it to suggets in our story things will be brought up from the past and discovered.  
There are two main narration conventions that are usually used in thrillers these are restricted narrasrion which is when the audience only knows as much as the chararcters which creates enigma. The other is unristrcited narrartion this is where the audience is omnicient ( knows all) the audience know more than the characters. We chose unristricted narration for our thriller in the sense that we used parraallell editing between the cliff scene where the girl takes her life and the diggign scene to give the audience privilage information. This craetes create suspense as we know that he is digging something (probably her body)!

2.     How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our main chararcteer is a teenage girl therefore we have adress on problems and bully and what happens when this goes to far and results in someone taking there life. We decided to forcos on the sociol dynamics of teenagers.  We have done this by the age of our character and her clothes to show her age and the typictal taste a teenager would have with a hoodie etc.
We chose to focus on a british ethnic group to avoid the clishe of racism but to use someone who is normal and advage. A typical teenage girl. 

3.    What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why
I think our film would blah from the kind of production companys that are well eperienced with the thriller genre and also one that tends to pick up on small british films with good ideas like our film
In terms of distribution I think we would work with a smaller distrubution outlet such as the picture house franchise because they are known for there use of smaller films in cinema and that could be key to us as we are a small up coming film and there experience in distrubuting smaller films could benefit us and become very helpful.
Also we could use a company like blockbusters or video box to distribute our film as they can be very valuble with the amount of stores they have and this could bring large exposure to our small film by simply being able to rent and sell our dvd from one of there stores. We could also use them to help us advertise like put film posters around there stores and in the windows to promote us.

4.     who would be the audience of your media product?
our film is aimmed at teenagers in the age range from 15- 19.. Our gender focus is on both men and women as in the beginging of the film  we touch on the feminine side of the story and express the emotion stress of our femaile character and then we swicth to a more manly aproach that boys will like in the scary danger and thriller of the boy digging.

5.     How did you attract/ adress your audience?
I believe are chosen audience will enjoy our film because the isssues that are raised and exploid will interest teenagers and even help them relate to there own experiences. 4 out of 5 people will have experienced bullying in some form during there lives especially in there teenage years.

6.     what have you leanrt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Camera: In terms of technology on camera I’ve learnt some useful technics such as zooming in, panning. I strggled with the trasistion from director to camera operator, although I knew what I wanted from my story board it was just difficult not having the techniques or the technology for example how do we do a zooming shot and a pan on the edge of a cliff. If I had no limitations on technolgy I would have had the camera shoot out over the clif edge and I would have been able to achieve much more spectacular shots. However I think we did very well with what we did have, and achieve some fantastic shots.
Lights;  In terms of lights I learnt how to do a three point lighting system to create the sun set on lauras face and how this can emphasise the mood and enigma we were trying to craete.

Sound; I learnt how to edit sounds and use revurb using garage band to create more suspense in our scene. We recording vioces for our voice over and out them over each other to achieve an aue of confusion.
I improve my musical recording skills when I recorded the soundtrack for the product. I tried to make the piano fit it with the flow and order of the scenes and select sutuble music to enhance the mood we tryign to create.

Editing; I’ve learnt to use editing programmes such as final to order our scenes and set out the chronology and then polish our film and then do titling etc. We also used it to create illusions such as laura jumping off the cliff. We found that some of our shots were quite short so because of the editing programe we were able to exend the time of our shots to achive the effect and shots we wanted.

I throughly enjoyed getting handds on with all of these processes and now I can use the skills I’ve learnt when concieving ideas in the future.

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